
After a personally difficult legal dispute over BME, I’ve had to face the potentially insurmountable reality of being massively in debt, and I have chosen to transfer the business to Rachel (the details of this deal are sealed, so please don’t ask). Within the month my role at BME will come to an end, and new staff (made up largely of people who’ve been working on BME for some time as well) will be taking over. I will no longer be writing online about body modification, although I will be maintaining my regular blog and other projects of course, as well as working on several body modification book projects which I am eager to complete.


そして、ヨソでシャノン氏がまた身体改造サイトでも始められた日にゃBMEが廃れてしまうので、シャノン氏が身体改造ネタをネットでやること自体を法的に封じたんでしょうね。the businessというのは、BMEだけでなくそのへんの利権全部を含めているのでしょう。